
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

ADD : No 1006 Wenchang East Road, Yangzhou City
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30%Isoprothiolane Emulsifiable Concentrates
This product is sulfur-containing heterocyclic ring fungicide, which is effective to rice blast and neck blast.
Method of application

Prevention type

Spraying date


Application method

seeding blast

Rice seedling 3-4 leaf phase


Add 50-60kg water

leaf blact

incipient stage of leaf blast

neck blast

rupturing stage of rice to ear period

1. Comply with conventional operation rules.
2. Avoid using with acid and alkaline substances.
3. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
4. This product is inflammable, keep away from fire souce. Keep in cool and dry place.
Warantty period is two years if unopened.
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