
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

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Common name: benazolin-ethyl
Chemical name: 4-Chloro-2-oxo-benzothiazoleacetic acid ethyl ester
CAS NO.: 25059-80-7
Molecular formula: C11H10ClNO3S
Molecular weight: 271.7
Details: Properties
Technical material is light yellow crystalline powder, with a little special odor. Melting point 79.2℃; vapor pressure 37mPa (20℃). Miscibility 20℃ Solubility: water 47mg/L, acetone 229g/L, dichloromethane 603g/L, ethyl acetate148g/L, methyl alcohol 28.5g/L, methyl benzene 198g/L. Stability: stabel below 300℃, stable in acid or netural solution.
This product can be used to control various annual broad-leaved weeds in rape crop.
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