
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

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Common name: imidacloprid
Chemical name: 1-((6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl)-N-nitro-imidazolidinimine
CAS NO.: 138261-41-3
Molecular formula: C10H10ClN5O2
Molecular weight: 255.7
Details: Properties
Technical material is light yellow to white crystal, with a little special odor. Melting point 144℃, vapor pressure at 20℃ is 200mPa, solubility in water (20℃) is 0.61g/L, in dichloroethane is 55g/L, in isopropanol is 1.2g/L, in methyl benzene is 0.68g/L, in n-hexane <0.1g/L.
This product is mainly used to control piercing-sucking mouthpart pests, such as: aphid, leafhopper, plant hopper, thrips, etc.
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