
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

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30% fluorine sulfanilamide·fluoroglycofen water aqua
This product is new-model herbicide for soybean. It is safe to soybean, no residue, no influence to succession crop crops.
Objectives of prevention
Commelina communis, Xanthium sibiricum, cirsium setosum, field bindweed and other broad-leavedweeds, 1-3 leaf phase annual grassy weeds.
Method of application

Spraying date

Spraying amount

Application method

Soybean 2-3 compound leaf; weed 1-4 leaf phase

Northeast region: 600g/hectare (40g/mu)
Southern part of China: 300-450g/hectare (20-30g/mu)
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