
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

ADD : No 1006 Wenchang East Road, Yangzhou City
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5% imazethapyr aqueous solution
High efficiency, broad spectrum, low toxicity, safe to soybean, etc.
Objects of prevention
Barnyard grass, green bristlegrass, moleplant seed, xanthium sibiricum, nightshade, amaranthus retroflexus and other annual weeds.
Method of application

Spraying date

Spraying amount

Application method

After planting pre-emergence or post-emergence early phase
(weed 1-3 leaf phase)


Add 30-40 kg water
1. Comply with pesticide use regulations.
2. Read the directions carefully.
3. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse with clean water.
4. Keep in cool and dry and cool place, keep away from fire.
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