
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

ADD : No 1006 Wenchang East Road, Yangzhou City
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17.5% benazolin·quizalofop-p-ethyl E.C
Broad spectrum, systematic, safe and efficient.
Objectives of prevention
Green bristlegrass and other grassy weeds, chickweed, malachium aquaticum, stellaria alsine, galium aparine, crab grass, and other broad-leaved weeds.
Method of application
Objectives of prevention
Application period
Application method
Green bristlegrass and other grassy weeds, chickweed, malachium aquaticum, stellaria alsine, galium aparine, crab grass, etc.
1.Direct seeding rape 4-5 leaf phase
2.Transplanting rape 7-10 days (weed 2-3 leaf phase)
Add 30-45 L water
1. It is not recommended to mustard and turnip type rapes.
2. Comply with safety operation rules when application.
Warranty period is two years.
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