
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

ADD : No 1006 Wenchang East Road, Yangzhou City
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48%D butyl ester·acetochlor·clomazone E.C
Broad spectrum, long acting period, safe to soybean, etc.
Objects of prevention
Sonchus brachyotus, commelina communis, cirsium setosum, barnyard grass, green bristlegrass, amaranthus retroflexus, acalypha australis, abutilon, Xanthium sibiricum and other annual grassy and broad-leaved weeds.
1. Comply with the safety operation rules when application.
2. In case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse with clean water.
3. Keep in cool and dry place, keep away from fire.
Shelf life is two years if unopened.
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