
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

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Common name: clomazone
Chemical name: 2-(2-Chlorobenzyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one
CAS NO.: 81777-89-1
Molecular formula: C12H14ClNO2
Molecular weight: 239.7
Details: Properties
  This product is light yellow viscous liquid. Solubility: water 1.1g/l, easily soluble in acetone, acetonitrile, trichloromethane, cyclohexanone, dichloromethane, methyl alcohol, Stability: 1 year at normal temperature.
   This product can be used to control broad-leaved weeds and grassy weeds, such as: crab grass, eleusine indica, green bristlegrass, abutilon, acalypha australis, portulaca oleracea, xanthium sibiricum, etc.
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